Kikkoman Soy Sauce sizzles in Ultimate Braaimaster

Kikkoman soy sauce was one of the sponsors of Ultimate Braaimaster 2013 hosted by well known celebrity foodie Justin Bonnello.

In the “perfect steak” elimination challenge in episode 4, each team selected three cuts of meat, and presented one steak prepared using Kikkoman’s Soya Sauce.

Kikkoman soy sauce was also featured as a key ingredient in UBM with contestants using the product at their own discretion to add flavour to many other seafood and meat braai dishes.

Kikkoman’s unique flavour makes it far more than an accompaniment for sushi – it’s widely used in delicious meat marinades and sauces ideal for the braai. Check out our recipe page for Kikkoman recipe ideas to add something different to your braai.